Welcome Seats: Welcoming Newcomers and Host Families

Since 2018, Orchestra Toronto has designated a block of seats at each concert as free seats for newcomers to Canada. We believe that music should be accessible to all members of our society, especially those who’ve recently arrived in Canada, whether on their own or with sponsorship assistance. And while we recognize that settlement support is beyond the scope of our mission, providing an afternoon of music for music lovers is well within what we can do. We publicize Welcome Seats through our contacts in the newcomer and settlement community.

Newcomers are invited to contact welcome.seats@orchestratoronto.ca.

Familes and Children at Orchestra Toronto Performances

Orchestra Toronto believes that music is for everyone.

We welcome families with children of all ages at our performances.

In order to help families with small children enjoy our concerts, we allow audience members to get up and quietly leave the concert hall if they need a break for any reason. We invite members who need a break to enjoy the concert on the monitors in the lobby, and to re-enter when they are ready to quietly enjoy the music again.


Partner in Music and Community


Conducting Apprenticeships